Yadah – Word for praise



Praise, thank, thanksgiving, cast (throw), Genesis 29:35, when Leah had her fourth son, she raised her hands in praise to the Lord, and called him Judah (praise). This is the first time anyone was recorded raising their hands in praise for their blessings: Praise as a result of blessing.  Psalm 69:30-31 David is saying his confession of praise and thanksgiving is more pleasing to God than his sacrifice.  This praise also includes public confession of sin: Psalm 32:5 To confess, to sing praise, to sing, etc. essentially it is to acknowledge the word of God and man’s character.




The root of YADAH which means to be intimately acquainted with someone, or God.  To understand or acquire knowledge; to know; to discern; (learning to discern God’s heart) To know by learning and experiencing. Knowing through the senses, by investigating and proving. To become acquainted in a sexual way to make oneself known; to be familiar; to reveal oneself; this Hebrew word occurs 995 times in the O.T. Knowledge gained through the senses.


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